Šiauliai – A City of Opportunity

Šiauliai – a city that is open, dynamic, and full of opportunities!

Šiauliai is rightfully called a strong industrial city and the economic center of Northern Lithuania. The unemployment rate here remains the lowest among all major cities in Lithuania, the budget of the Sun City has more than doubled in recent years, and foreign direct investment has more than tripled. Wages in Šiauliai are also rapidly growing, and generous incentives are available for highly qualified specialists and students. However, pupils, students, professionals of various fields, and young families choose Šiauliai not only because of the rapid economic growth but also due to the city’s cultural uniqueness, wide learning and education opportunities, compactness, and, of course, the variety of entertainment and leisure activities. This list is certainly not complete, so we invite you to choose the Sun City and add to it yourselves!

For those who want it in Šiauliai WORK:

Šiauliai – atviras, veržlus ir kupinas galimybių miestas!

Šiauliai tikrai ne veltui vadinami tvirtu industriniu miestu, ekonominiu Šiaurės Lietuvos centru – nedarbas čia išlieka mažiausias tarp visų Lietuvos didžiųjų miestų, per pastaruosius metus Saulės miesto biudžetas išaugo daugiau nei du kartus, o tiesioginės užsienio investicijos  daugiau nei triskart. Šiauliuose taip pat sparčiai auga darbo užmokestis bei veikia dosnios skatinimo priemonės aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistams ir studentams.

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For those who want it in Šiauliai LEARN:

For those who want it in Šiauliai LIVE:

Entertainment in Šiauliai